Friday, August 24, 2007

Mount Austin Landslide 茂奥斯丁土崩事件

Austin Hills Golf Resort is a Singaporean-owned company that spent millions in trying to rectify problems caused by the landslide. Due to further complication of issues on underground water, soil erosion etc., things got out of hand and exacerbated the situation.
Seeing the situation got worsen, MBJB interfered and team-up with Austin Hills to conduct a join study on the affected area and concluded that an amount of RM4.5million is needed to resolve the problem. They have submitted the requisition to the Ministry of Housing and Local Government to allocate the needed amount and they promise to act immediately once the money has been distributed.

Austin Hill Resort 是一间新加坡集团所拥有的公司。他们花了不少过百万的费用来修理该项土崩问题,不过他们经常遇到技术上的问题(土质松散、地下水),而且还越修越严重。市议会已经介入,与该公司一起合作处理,他们进行新一层的测量、调查之后,估计修复费用为四百五十万,所以正要求房地部拨出该项款项,拨款经费一批下工程就立即展开。


QUEEN said...

土崩事件已经拖了3年了,整条山坡已严重倾斜,土质松软,地低水流已导至部分马路也垄起,马路也因工程的关系被逼封路,路中央推满了大石头和黄泥。这一带的工业者,商家,来往福林园,SETIA INDAH,JP PERDANA居民等被逼绕道而行,生意每越下况。去年年尾和今年年头发生大水灾都让这里的厂家心惊胆跳,求神拜佛土崩别又再倒塌。政府不能坐视不理,把一切责任推在土地拥有人身上而不顾人民的安危。是否要等到有人在土崩事件里丧生才重视呢?请尽快拨款吧!

Ahli Parlimen Tebrau - Teng Boon Soon柔佛州地不老区国会议员邓文村 said...


Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.